Sunday, April 03, 2005

Life is what happens...

Life is what happens between political debates.

This last weekend I have not been at the computer. I have been somewhere much more important. I took my daughter to an an show in Fort Worth, Texas. I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma and Ft. Worth is as close as the Blue Angels come to Tulsa this year.

You see... I have a four year old who specifically asked to see the Blues! As an aviation buff, and Marine (Dept. of the Navy) I am obligated to expose her to our heritage anytime she is willing. So.. My Dad and I loaded up the family car and off we went.

This was not my little girls first air show. As a matter of fact she has been to more air shows than the average adult. When I told her we were going to see the Blues, she laid out her ear plugs.... a month ahead of time. She loves to see airplanes flying upside down. She loves hearing the roar of jets and historical rotary engines with equal thrill. But she always asks for the Blue Angels. She knows quality!!

About half way through their performance, after the third head-on manuever of the opposing solo pilots, she looked at me and said, "Their good, they don't smack in to each other!" At four years old she gets it. It may be on a different level than the rest of us, but she gets it better than I did at her age. That's better than most of us at our age.

By the end of the day, she was worn out. We had six striaght hours of avation fun and she handled it like a champ. I don't know what else to say except "I Love My Daughter." She is truely my best friend. I can only hope others have a son or daughter that shows an interest in their hobbies or careers. I pray others are as fortunate.

God Bless