Saturday, March 12, 2005

Take me out to the Ballgame

Is it just me, or does anyone else think that Congress has more important things to do besides investigate steroid use in Major League Baseball?

Lets look at some facts. Steroid use was neither illegal, nor banned from use in MLB during the time in question. Most of the players have not denied their use of steroids. Congress has many other issues of domestic and foreign interest to be concerned with.

With that said, I’ll start my discussion. I think the athletes involved were using steroids. I don’t think it was right, it sets a bad example for our kids. But they did nothing wrong. Basically they saved the game of baseball from the malaise suffered after the baseball strike. If it were not for the homerun derbies of McGuire and Bonds, only the hardcore fans would still be going to the games. What laws did they break? None! What MLB policies did they break? None! What basis does Congress have in the role of cleaning up baseball? NONE!!! There simply were no laws on the books banning these substances. Minor league players are tested for steroids I believe, but not in the Bigs. This is our tax money being spent so a few congressmen can say the met a couple of baseball superstars. This is a thinly veiled attempt at self gratification and justification of self importance. I want congress to go back to work for me. That means stay out of baseball. If baseball does not police themselves, then we as consumers can choose not to go to the games, or buy their caps and jerseys.

Morally though, my heart goes out to the young kid who starts taking steroids because he wants to be a big league player. He feels he has no option but to take the steroids just to compete “at the next level.” He messes up his life, and maybe he’s lucky and gets to play single A minor league ball for a couple of years before he gets cut from the team. He was hungry, too hungry for the dream of every little boy in America. The players in MLB have done nothing “wrong,” but they have done everything wrong, because at one time they too were that little boy.

I want congress to go back to doing what they are supposed to do. And that is providing for the common defense, general welfare, and domestic tranquility of our great nation.

1 comment:

prying1 said...

I believe it was Mark Twain who said, "No one is safe when the congress is is session."

That being said I feel it would be better if they were busy passing laws like the following.

"After each session of congress each member of congress shall be tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail."

~~~ and by the way, it is much easier for the congressmen (and women) to get autographs to sell on ebay this way. Imagine if thay had to travel to get autographs from these players. They can save their travel budgets for trips to Bermuda and Fiji.