Friday, March 18, 2005

You Liberals make me sick!

I have had enough of taking the higher road with you liberals. For one post I will sink to your level.

How is it that you liberal do-gooders always come to the aid of some killer on death row screaming about how it is just so wrong to put this criminal to death, but you want to kill a helpless handicapped lady? Why do YOU feel you can play GOD?

You people are always calling conservatives "Nazis". But look at your own position. Hitler as a matter of policy killed the handicapped and anyone else he felt was a drain on his vision of society. This tactic is an exact mimic of the early Third Reich. You people are killing an innocent human being. I'm sure you will say she is in a vegetative state, but she laughs, cries, and smiles when her parents are around.

Don't you think it is strange that her "husband" won't allow pictures of her to be brought out to the public. Why won't he allow reporters into her room to prove to the world that she truly is in a vegetative state? What is he hiding? I think Michael Schiavo and that scumbag judge in Florida both need to be thrown in jail for attempted murder. That's exactly what they are doing. They are killing her! Why do all you "compassionate liberals" want to kill her? She has been given a death penalty without committing a crime.

Try killing a dog the way they are killing Terri Schiavo and you will have PETA and the ACLU in your front yard reading to you all about the dogs rights. You F****G HYPOCRITES! I guess we all know who the true compassionates are in the world, you lousy excuses for life forms just can't come from behind your rhetoric and let her live.

If someone comes in front of a criminal court for murder, the prosecution must prove without a doubt that the defendant is guilt. If there is a "reasonable doubt" (that means any doubt) that the defendant did not commit the crime, then the jury must find him innocent. I believe there is a reasonable doubt that Terri is not in a vegetative state at all. Why won't you err on the side of life? Her own parents want to care for her. Let them do it.

You liberal punks really make me sick!!


Tom Harper said...

Let's not tar all liberals with the same brush. Me, I'm consistent, for whatever that's worth. Terri Schiavo, embryos, convicts on death row -- kill 'em all! And I'm a liberal (at least that's the pigeonhole I've been pushed into).

Sapphoria / Megan said...

Contribution From An Ardent Liberal

Symbolic Stand For Terri (A Call To Action)
I posted this originally in the comments section of the previous post on my blog. I have received comments and emails on it so in order to better promote it, I decided to dedicate a new post to it.

Thanks so much to the new visitors and for your comments and support.

I would like to suggest an extension of our voices in opposition to the crimes being committed against Terri. I say we make a strong and symbolic stand. I think we should send food and water BY THE BOXFULLS to the Hospice Center. Keep sending and encouraging people to send until they decide to stop this murder and feed Terri.

We can make arrangements for the food to subsequently be given to a local shelter, but in the mean time, we make a symbolic statment that we do not accept anyone being starved to death on our watch!

Hospice House - Woodside
6770 102nd Ave
Pinellas Park, FL 33782

Please let me know how you feel and if you would be willing to get involved in this. You can reply here or email me (

I will gauge what actions I take to prepare based on the support the idea receives. I will start promoting the campaign immediately and would appreciate any support.

Thank you.

Our politics are nothing compared to our Humanity.


loboinok said...

Great post. Another idea spreading around the net is a national hunger stricke.

Anonymous said...

Heh we all gotta go sometime relax.

Anonymous said...

I guess taking the low road includes ditching any pretense of intellectual honesty, eh?

There are profound differences between Hitler's state-mandated and state-executed euthanazia of anyone deemed less than perfect, regardless of the family's wishes, and a spouse honoring his or her spouse's express desire not to be artifically kept alive when no hope exists of rehabilitation.

To equate what the Nazi's did with what's happening with Terri Schiavo is intellectually vapid and disgusting.

Hurricane Bob said...

You catch on quick. It is with the same lack of intellectual honesty that the left calls the right "Nazis". Therefore by taking the low road, that same intellectual honesty goes out the window for a generalization. I'm just mimicing the tactics used by those who oppose my views. I still don't think I got enough namecalling in, but I didn't want my post to lose too much credibility. I've found that by typically staying on the "high road" I do get responses that are usually well reasoned and do challenge me in my counter-response. Thanks for stopping by.

Hurricane Bob said...

You raise some interesting points that I would like to address. First the killing of convicts and the abortion issue. My stance on that is pretty simple. Babies whether born or unborn to me are innocent lives. You shuold never kill an inocent person. Convicted killers are being held accountable for their actions. This is a judgement handed down from a hopefully just court and jury.
War is a totally different beast. When the war involves only each sides combatants, those people have chosen to put their lives in harms way for something they believe in. While it is tragic (I weep everytime a Marine is laid to rest, not to discount the other services but I am a former Marine myself) the people who fight wars know the consequences and go forward with a sense of duty.

Why believe the husband and not the family? He is not their flesh and blood. I find it interesting that the husband recieved a judgement to pay for her continued treatment after 7 years and then all of a sudden recalled that Terri had "told" him she would not want to live like that. Why did it take him 7 years to remember that? Why does he want her immediately cremated? She is Jewish and they do not believe in cremation. Does he have something to hide. I for one am suspicious that there may be foul play involved. Why won't he just divorce her and let the family take care of her if that is what they wish to do. And last for now but no least. She is not on a ventilator. She smiles in the presence of her family. She cries, laughs, and she attempts to talk. If she is truely in a vegetative state, why won't Michael bring reporters and cameras into the room to remove all doubt that she will not respond.

I know that there is plenty of hypocracy to go around, especially with politicians. I only accused the left, but I did not deny the right was immune from the same thing. Thanks though for letting me realize that I misspelled it in my post. I need to change that.

Thank you for your post.

LJ said...

Bob, Bob, Bob....

I'm surprised to see you lose your cool like this. I'm not sure why you are trying to make this a political issue.

This has gone through the court system and has been ruled on. So, why does the right find it necessary to "change" the laws to suit their cultural civil war?

I suspect that if this case were not in a swing state, and it wasn't the same week that Tom DeLay had an S-load of ethics violations brought to light to the American public, not all of this hoopla would be occurring. Am I full of it? Well, then why didn't this case about Baby Sun from Houston. His mother, Wanda Hudson, had fought to keep her son alive against the medical judgment of the hospital. It is the first such case in this country, where a hospital's decisions about the life of a patient were placed over the wishes of a family member or legal guardian.

Where's the outrage? Where's the congress on this one? Tom DeLay, this happened in your own state. Someone tell me why this baby was "killed" by this hospital, against the wishes of the mother? I wonder if her not having health insurance to cover the care, played into this unprecedented decision.

But then again, it's all of us pesky "libruls" that are being hypocrites. Well, how many of us America Hating, death loving, hypocrites are there out there?

Well, ABC/WaPo has an interesting poll concerning the matter here

Do you personally have a so-called living will or health care proxy to deal with your wishes for medical treatment if you're unable to do so, or not?"

Yes 42
No 57
Unsure 1

As you may know, a woman in Florida named Terri Schiavo suffered brain damage and has been on life support for 15 years. Doctors say she has no consciousness and her condition is irreversible. Her parents and her husband disagree on whether or not she should be kept on life support. In cases like this who do you think should have final say, the parents or the spouse?

Parents 25
Spouse 65
Other 2
Neither 2
Unsure 6

If you were in this condition, would you want to be kept alive, or not?

Kept Alive 8
Not Kept Alive 87
Unsure 4

Damn libruls, I tell ya.

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