Monday, January 31, 2005

Third Rail in the Spotlight

Looks like the good ol' 3rd rail of politics is heating up again (or did it ever cool down). Social Security is in the spotlight for the State of the Union Address on Wednesday night. We all need this change. I have been putting thousands of dollars into a system that I have known since I was 12 would be insolvent by the time I qualified for benefits. Around half of our income tax goes to Social Security. Look at your paystub if you don't believe me. If I could opt out of the system and not receive benefits I would take it in a heartbeat. Even if I spent the money immediately and did not save a dime, I would be better off. Deep down inside everyone knows that social security is on a course for self destruction.

Word on the street has it that several Republican House members are threatening not support this idea because they are worried about re-election. If they would support the bill it looks like a win-win situation to me. If the bill passes and we get private accounts for a portion of our contributions, that is GREAT. Then if the Republicans lose control of the House but keep the Senate, government spending will decrease because it will be gridlock all over again. Gridlock is good for taxpayers that are concerned about their pocketbook, it usually stops loads of spending bills. Anytime there is gridlock government becomes paralyzed which means they cannot pass laws, fewer laws is a good thing!

If there are no changes made to SS and it goes bankrupt and gets desolved soon the better off we are.

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