Monday, March 28, 2005


"Liberals' newfound respect for 'federalism' is completely disingenuous. People who support a national policy on abortion are prohibited from ever using the word 'federalism.' I note that whenever liberals talk about 'federalism' or 'states' rights,' they are never talking about a state referendum or a law passed by the duly elected members of a state legislature -- or anything voted on by the actual citizens of a state. What liberals mean by 'federalism' is: a state court ruling. Just as 'choice' refers to only one choice, 'the rule of law'
refers only to 'the law as determined by a court'. As a practical matter, courts will generally have the last word in interpreting the law because courts decide cases. But that's a pragmatic point. There is nothing in the law, the Constitution or the concept of 'federalism' that mandates giving courts the last word. Other public officials, including governors and presidents, are sworn to uphold the law, too." --Ann Coulter


LJ said...

Ann Coulter? lol.... For Christ's Sake.

Who will you quote next? Adolph Hitler? Lucifer?

Your talking points definitely make more sense now, knowing who inspires you.

Open your mind a little bit, and read a little from the enlightened. I still recommend Thom Hartmann's book, "What Would Jefferson Do?"

Since you have such a desire to better understand your "enemy", try reading their actual words instead of what your nut job influences tell you about them.

Cuevas said...

I find it just hilarious that Ann Coulter writes a piece about how liberals don't really care about states rights immediately after the right trampled over states rights. We ask, "Are you for states rights?" And they reply, "Since when are you for states rights?" They don't just answer the question which is, "We have always proclaimed we were for states rights but obviously we are full of shit."