Thursday, January 27, 2005

50 Difficult things you can do to save the environment

Now, if you are somebody who wants clean water, clean air and beautiful trees, I'm not talking about you. But if you're somebody who thinks that we ought to be turning off the washer, the air-conditioning, the lights and live a more primitive lifestyle, or if you think that capitalism is the focus of evil in the modern world, I am talking about you.

You are either duped or you're part of the movement of ex-commie, socialists who found a home in the environmental movement precisely because of the way you frame the debate. Who can disagree with you? Who can disagree with clean water? Who's against that, the way these people set up the terms of the debate? Nobody is. But that's not what's at stake here: the American way of life.

Many of you think I'm off base, and wonder how people who are a "little" zealous in their tree hugging could really be communists. Well, I found something from the early 90's that proves my point. It's a collective effort by members of various American environmental groups who contributed to this at the invitation of the Earth Island Journal, a publication of the Earth Island Institute.

This list was compiled by somebody named Gar Smith and is titled "Fifty Difficult Things You Can Do To Save the Earth."

Read this list, but before you do, I want you to know that this is not a bit or a joke. I didn't make any of this up. It's important that you know what these people truly, ultimately advocate, because many of the things they're pushing here have nothing to do with the environment - and everything to do with limiting your personal freedom and pushing socialist ideals.

50 Difficult things you can do to save the envirnment

1) Bury your car.
2) Become a total vegetarian.
3) Grow your own vegetables.
4) Have your power lines disconnected.
5) Don't have children.
6) Restrict the population of motor vehicles.
7) Don't build cars.
8) Stop building roads.
9) Replace roads with homes, parks, and gardens.
10) Halt weapons production and exports.
11) Stop the sale, distribution, and export of cigarettes.
12) Send an amount of money to Brazil to provide urban
jobs for impoverished workers now forced into the rain forests.
13) Blockade a lumber truck carrying old-growth trees.
14) Spend a month tree-sitting.
15) Try to live, if you can, to within the world average income
($1,250 a year) for 1 month.
16) Cut up your credit cards.
17) Unplug your television.
18) Undertake a Conservation Sabbath:
one day a week without consuming electricity or fuel.
19) Fast a day each week, send the money saved on food to help feed the hungry.
20) Adopt a homeless person.
21) Raise the minimum wage to a survival income.
22) Enact a maximum wage law.
23) Tie politicians' salaries to the average working wage.
24) Replace majority rule with proportional representation.
25) Replace the Electoral College with direct democratic elections.
26) Abolish the CIA and the National Security Act of 1949.
27) Pass a nature amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
28) Oust presidential adviser John Sununu.
29) Plant one new tree every day.
30) Go to jail for something you believe in.
31) Don't own pets.
32) Allow all beef-producing domestic cattle to become extinct.
33) Redirect the military budget to restoration work; convert weapons
factories to peaceful research; retrain soldiers for ecological restoration.
34) Remove US Forest Service from under the Agriculture Department;
place USFS, Bureau of Land Management, Fish & Wildlife Service under the EPA.
35) Consume only products produced within your bioregion.
36) Don't eat anything that comes in a package.
37) Don't buy anything that comes in a box.
38) Require operators & owners of nuclear plants to live within a mile of the site.
39) Mandate federal recycling and institute a refuse tax on solid waste.
40) Pipe polluted water back into the water supplies of the companies that do the polluting.
41) Don't own anything that runs on batteries.
42) Hand over excess packaging to store manager on visits to the grocery.
43) Travel by bus, never by air.
44) Stop using toilet paper and Kleenex; use washable cloth.
45) Extend the life of your wardrobe by learning to make and mend your own clothes.
46) Give money to every single panhandler you meet.
47) Democratize your workplace; start a union or a collective.
48) Learn to farm.
49) Liberate a zoo.
50) Ask your boss if you can take a day off to work on healing the planet ... with pay!

R. Limbaugh

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