Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Ted Turner and Media Bias

A man's character is his fate. Heraclitus, c. 540-c. 480 B.C.

Well, it seems ol' Ted Turner is upset again. Can't this guy get it through his head that FoxNews is just better or more entertaining than anything he has been involved with. When he compares FoxNews to Hitler, he really sounds like sour grapes. His energy would be better served by trying to improve his own news channel instead of attacking the viewers of Fox as being ignorant. He accuses FoxNews of dumbing down the news. In my opinion this is exactly what his network has been guilty of for years.

This is a good time for me to explain one of my beliefs, media bias. I believe that as long as people breathe, there will be a bias in the way they think. This is especially true in news outlets. Every news outlet is biased. Whether they believe it or not. It is impossible to detach personal beliefs from reporting news. Story selection and basic attitudes simply come across to the viewer. I think CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC are all slanted toward the left. And yes, I do believe FoxNews is slanted to the right, even though they do try to be fair and balanced. At least they give liberals a chance to defend their ideas with similar airplay to the conservatives. I think the closest any news outlet in the world comes to being balanced and non biased is the Drudge Report. Matt Drudge offers stories that glorify and disgust everyone with equal regularity..

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