Saturday, January 29, 2005

I have seen gross intolerance shown in support of tolerance.

This title is a quote from Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1772-1834. Isn't it amazing that they had the same basic problems in his day as we have now. Doesn't this seem to be the current state of the attitudes in Washington shown toward Dr. Rice. So much for liberals preaching to everyone about tolerance. What they are really saying is we will tolerate you as long as you agree with us. So much for their being open to different ideas. Can you imagine what they would say if Clarence Thomas gets the nomination for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The only thing is, I expect that Antonin Scalia will get the nomination, due mainly to age. The younger person should be picked simply to increase the consistancy of the court. When the President finally does get to nominate a new Justice to the high court we will really see just how tolerant the members of the Senate are to ideas that may be different from their own. We'll just wait and see


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