Monday, February 28, 2005

Today could be an historic day

There is plenty of gloomy stuff to think about today. I don't want to. I am going to look at a more optimistic event that is unfolding.

In 1933, Wiley Post became the first person to fly solo around the world. It took him many stops for fuel in a journey that took him 7 days.

This afternoon, Steve Fossett hopes to take off from Salina Kansas to become the first person to fly non-stop around the world. This will be just one of the seven world records he is attempting. One of the others will be the longest flight by a jet aircraft. The current record was set in 1963 by a B-52 that flew 12,000 miles.

How do I tie this to politics and current events that affect you and me? First of all, it is my blog, I'll do it just to humor myself. Second, The research that goes into these flights almost always go towards new discoveries or developments in human physiology that help us to better understand our own bodies, or increase the efficiency of jet engines. It may be a few years, but the men involved in this journey are pushing the envelope of technology that will make jet engines and airframes (airliners and military aircraft) cheaper to operate, not to mention other types of engines and electronics.

Now to tie in the politics. They do this without government funding! This is a privatized venture. Private industry is doing this without government interference. I'll drop the thought there for now. I just want you to think about what is possible when the government stays out of research and developement of this industry because it applies to other industries as well.

Have a wonderful day, and say a prayer for Mr Fossett's safety.

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