Wednesday, March 02, 2005

On the Soapbox......

According to a survey I saw, (Read it Here), 8 out of 10 (OK so it is 76%) citizens think the 10 commandments should be allowed to be displayed in public places such as court houses and other governments buildings. Yet that is a major political debate. You can't get 8 out of 10 people to agree on what they want for dinner! But somehow the Supreme Court must decide this for us. Something is wrong. The first amendment does not forbid religious expression in public, it simply does not allow the government to pass laws establishing an official state religion or forbidding the free expression of that religion. Yet that is exactly what this does. So much for a nation being founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs.

It reads as follows:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Next Subject:

The Supremes ruled yesterday that it is unconstitutional to execute criminals who committed their crimes while under 18. The majority opinion cited that it is not in line with international law, specifically the United Nations to carry out these executions. I think the punishment should be available for the crimes it fits. Let the criminal court and the jury decide. Isn't that why they exist. This is going down the same "politically correct" road as zero tolerance for drugs in the public schools. Now we have students getting expelled for having asperin in their car or locker. What a joke!

Maybe it's just me, but I DO NOT want the United Nations dictating our federal policy to us. What ever happened to the Supreme Court interpreting the US Constitution and other "founding documents" of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA! Not the U.N.


Justhere2020 said...

Becoming isolationist is the first step to down fall...

Justhere2020 said...

Becoming isolationist is the first step to down fall...

Justhere2020 said...

Becoming isolationist is the first step to down fall...

Hurricane Bob said...

What? I think you posted to the wrong blog.

Anonymous said...

Er, the rest of the industrialized world has NO death penalty at all.
And, not so long ago a majority of Americans thought it was okay to keep slaves. Did that make it right?

Hurricane Bob said...


I understand your arguement, but you miss my point. The US Judicial system exists to interpret the US Constitution and founding documents. They do not have the constitutional authority to consult international laws or opinions and sentiment whether national or international. They exist for the sole purpose of determining the constitutionality of issues that come before them. If you can cite a document that proves me wrong then go ahead. I'm open to changing my mind if that is the case.

Thank you for the comment.

As for whether it is "civilized" to execute murderers, I'll explore that at a later date. I look forward to the debate that will stir up. You may be suprised at my opinion on that topic.