Thursday, March 03, 2005


I am announcing today that soon I will be changing the Title for my blog. I felt I needed to warn my loyal fans and readers (both of them). I'm still tossing around ideas for a new one, but the thoughts are becoming more concrete. First of all, I must admit I ripped off the title from a good friend who uses "Echoes from an Empty Mind" as the heading to really soul bearing emails and letters. I liked it and used it. Today he tells me that he is collecting several of his writtings and may be publishing a book by the same title. Soooooo, to keep me from having to sue him for copywrite infringement or something when the book comes out and he becomes famous, I will be changing the title. Keep reading the blog and I will let you know when the book will be available. I will also provide a permanent link so you can get the book from me at a highly marked up premium (Just kidding).

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